Sunday, 26 May 2013


Firstly, I'm sorry for the late post, I have just been so busy! Anyway, seeing as converse are my fave shoes, and my blog is named after these amazeboz shoes, I decided I just have to do a blog post on them. I have four pairs of converse, (and plan to add to the selection!) but here are some I found and like: 

OMG! These are totally awesome! I don't know where they are from, soz, but I just love the aztec print, perfect for the latest style. Definitely on my shopping list!

I am loving these tie dye wonders! The effect of the colours really go well with each other. 
$65.00 from Hypebeast ( sorry, the computer I am using doesn't have a pound sign) 

  I don't know about anyone else, but I love Batman, and it looks especially cool when in shoes! 
Amazon $59.00 

These are sooo awesome!!! I love the galaxy print, but unfortunately, I'm not sure where they are from! But hopefully, I will find them one day... 

Recognise these anyone... These burgundy converse are from Amazon for $60.00
And now I thought I would show you some celebs that rock converse:
Kristen Stewart, I am loving your outfit! The converse just bring all together. 

Here is Miley Cyrus, also rocking the converse. I especially like her bag! 

Kristen wearing converse again! She must love converse more than than R-patz... 

Just one more thing,

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Ciara Phelan Homework Continued!

As I said, I am going to post about my finished artwork. I added a few more things to make it better, but here you go! 

I used a lime slice for a crescent moon, a book page for the clouds, cut up pieces of greenery for the grass, a pic of jeans for the sky and a pic of a golden statue for the background. Also, a pic of a building in San Francisco! Hopefully, it looks a little like the example I put in the last post! 
Love From The girl with the BC's x

Monday, 20 May 2013

Ciara Phelan Homework!

This piece of art here is by Ciara Phelan (read the title!). Your probably wondering why I'm doing a post on art, not fashion, (soz guys!) but I just wanted to express my fondness of this artist. I came across her art because of a school course thing I am doing. A small number of students from my school, including me, were chosen to do an extra, early-entry GCSE in Art Illustration (GCSEs  are exams we do here in England at the end of school). Hopefully, this will help me towards my job, as I want to be a photographer (and journalist). Anyway, we were given homework on Ciara Phelan, and have to do a collage based on her work. I haven't finished mine yet, but here is my unfinished work, based on the above piece of art: 

What do you think? Let me know:) 
Now for the bit where I tell you a bit about Ciara! Ciara has been a freelance illustrator and paper craft artist since 2008, working from Open in North London. She graduated from studying graphic design at Brighton University. At first she worked as a junior for IWANT design, a small creative company. 
In 2010, Ciara set up a freelance company so she could work on her own visual language and image making skills. In 2011, she co-founded a new venture called Many Hands, which is a new online store offering customers to the chance to buy exciting contemporary prints and products straight from the artists. She is now a popular artist working freelance. 

Thats all for today, I will post my finished piece of art tomorrow. 
Love from The girl with the BC's x

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Eurovision Song Contest!

So, yesterday BBC 1 hosted the Eurovision Song Contest 2013! As my third blog post, I decided I would write about the best and worst outfits of the event. To start of, lets have the best outfits!:


 Here we have Denmark's contestant, Emmelie De Forest, who (SPOILER ALERT!) won the competition last night! If you haven't seen her performance yet, then here is the link: Emmelie's dress is lovely, and the style reminds me of a goddess. I also really like the gold bands around her wrist and arm! Congratulations Denmark! 

Wow! Here we have Aliona Moon, Mordova's singer. I liked the sparkles on the front of the dress until I realised that it might just be the lights reflecting of the dress! (LOL!) The way the dress comes out at the bottom, I really like as it is quite traditional. 

Even though it may be plain, I really like the style of the dress, it is tight but then comes out at the bottom, fishtail I think you call it. It is just right for the event! This is Zlata Ognevich representing Ukraine.

I know what your thinking, why, just why? But I just like it because its rockin'! I just hate the shoes though! Why Ana Matronic from Finland? 

Finally, its The Netherlands with Anouk. Whats she is wearing is casual, but stylish. You can't see her shoes in this (soz!) but they are black biker boots! 


Do I have to say anything?! You disappoint me Cezar from Romania! 

Here we have Nodi and Sophie from Georgia. What is up with that dress Sophie? A bit too old fashioned! 

I don't like this at all! The worst part is the part of the dress at the back, and it doesn't really fit, Cascada from Germany! 

The worst part of this horror is the spangles! A no-no, Amandine Bourgeois from France! 

No no no no no no! Why!!! What is this horror? I can't look anymore... 

This is a pink massacre! The presenter, Petra Mede really needs some style advice! At least she was a good presenter... 

Thats it for today, 
Love from The girl with the BC's x 
Ps All photos from Google Images

Saturday, 18 May 2013


Yay! It hasn't even been a day and already I have 100 views! Thanks to everyone out there who is reading my blog (even though I haven't done much!) and for my parents for spreading the link around facebook! Also, thanks to Another kinda fashion blogger, for helping me create this blog! Hopefully, everyone will carry on to read my blog, and enjoy. 
Love from The girl with the BC's x

JDRF Swish!

Before I begin, welcome to my blog! I will post about fashion, beauty, my life and a bit of photography! If you like that, then this is the blog for you! Anywho, lets get back to business...  

So, yesterday my good friend, Another kinda fashion blogger ( Here is her blog link: and I, went to my family friends house, Johanna Payton, aka Fashion Detective, a fellow blogger and journalist/stylist/photographer (Here is her blog link: for a JDRF swish! JDRF is the charity that we support as I have type 1 diabetes, and JDRF is the children's charity for type 1. 
Type 1 diabetes is a disease that is common with children between the ages of nine and 17, but babies and young adults can also develop Type 1. Some people think that people develop Type 1 due to their weight or unhealthy lifestyle, but that is a different sort of diabetes called Type 2 which is more common than Type 1, but in adults between the ages of 40 and 60. Type 1 is less common and is either genetic or caused by something else. Type 1 is when an organ called the pancreas, just behind the stomach, stops producing insulin, the liquid that breaks down the sugar from your food and they have to depend on injections that we inject whenever we eat. I used to have injections but now I have an insulin pump which is a machine that pumps it in for me. I have had Type 1 for 4 years now, since I was nine years old.  
Insulin Pumps 
A swish is a clothes swap, where everyone brings in clothes they don't want anymore and swap with someone. When you choose a clothes item, you put money in and the money we send to JDRF. Johanna and my family have done swishes before, but this one was really awesome, as Another kinda fashion blogger and I got to design a dress for Johanna! As part of Johanna's blog, she got given a plain  black maxi dress and glitter paints and other decorative stuff. The dress was given to her by to decorate, and she gave Another kinda fashion and I the honours of decorating it! Here are some pics: 

There we are, making our masterpiece! ;) 

Can you see why I'm called the girl with the burgundy converse! 

Looking good! 
Nice modelling Another kinda fashion blogger!

Yum! A fab cupcake to congratulate ourselves on our hard work! 
Now for the clothes I came away with: 
Tommy Hilfiger, ooh posh tot! LOL:) 

                                                             Black lace, very sophisticated!

                                         I don't know if you can see, but this features cute little cats!

                                                   This is one of my fav's! Japan here I come!

                                   I love the lace flowers at the top. We can thank Johanna for this one!

Aaah, what a wonderful sight, clothes everywhere! So, it turned out to be a very eventful evening! In the end we raised £85.00, which doesn't sound that much, but as Tesco say, "Every little helps!"Thats it for today, but I hope you enjoyed it!  
Love from The girl with the BC's x 
Ps BCs stand for burgundy converse, if you were wondering! Finally, soz for the long post, I just have so much to yap on about! x

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