Thursday, 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!

I'm really sorry guys, this holiday has been really busy and I haven't been able to post as often as I wanted, but hey ho, it's Halloween! As soon as I get back to London I will do a blog post catching up on my time in Tunisia, but for now folks,           
            HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! 

       Love From The girl with the BC's x

Monday, 28 October 2013

Day 1&2: Arriving in Tunisia!

Seeing as there is free wifi in the hotel, (yes!) I decided to try and do a blog post everyday, starting off with an outfit of the day! 
                   Sunday Outfit: 
                  Dress- New Look
                 Flip flops- Havana 
                 Sunglasses- Armani 
                 Bag- Kipling 
We arrived at the amazing hotel, with three swimming pools and an awesome aqua park, outdoor theatre, loads of bars and a beach. As we had just got there we didn't do any swimming, but settled in nicely! 

Day 2: 
                      Monday Outfit: 
                      Dress- Primark
                      Flip flops- Havana
It's great to be able to swim on the sun in October! First time in the aqua park and I can't wait for more :) Later on we are going to a Lion King performance in the amphitheatre... 
        Love From The girl with the BC's x

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Converse Disaster!

   Just a quickie to report a disaster! I'm I'm at Gatwick Airport waiting to get on a plane and sadly I can't take my burgundy Converse :( Last night I went to a fireworks display and it rained heavily, and as it was held in a big field, my shoes got very muddy! Oh well, for now I have my vans... 

      Love From The girl with the BC's x

Thursday, 24 October 2013


Farewell! Well, only for a week :) On Sunday my family and I are going on holiday to Tunisia (in Africa) for a week as it is the half term. I may be able to do a blog post on Halloween as it is the first time I will be abroad for Halloween! Oooh, spooky... LOL! I'm gonna miss England (yeah, about that..) we are going to be staying in a all inclusive resort and hopefully it should be hot! As a sort of farewell gift I will show you a brief viewing of Boohoo's great Halloween collection! 

This would be awesome to swim in! Do you think it would creep out Tunisia? 

Loving this bodycon :) 


Very gothic.

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Sunday, 20 October 2013

A Sunday Movie and a Burger!

   Despite what some people may say, there are ways of enjoying your Sunday afternoons in London on a dreary    October. Like going to the IMAX for a special 3D screening of Monsters University. I highly recommend this film, especially if you have seen the first one, Monsters.Inc. Monsters University is a funny and touching movie and has a few hidden messages. 8/10 for this great film :D  

 Afterwards we went to a very nice restaurant for lunch, The Wharf, in Gabriel's Wharf. Despite the horrible whether we managed to sit outside with an umbrella! We are now on our way to North London to celebrate our friend's third birthday. 
             Happy Birthday Tilly ;P 

      Love From The girl with the BC's x 
P.S did you spot me in The Guardian yesterday? 

Saturday, 19 October 2013


I was thrilled when the other day I saw I got an email from the lovely handbag company called Angela&Roi, asking me if I could write about their new campaign, Donate by Color. Angela&Roi are an American handbag company (nooo, why can't I live in America?!) who like to combine fashion and philanthropy into their bags. They also use vegan leather on every one of their bags. Donate by Color is their new campaign to raise awareness for different charities. They have  teamed up with eleven different charities for different causes and each cause has a different colour. I think this is a really great idea and $5.00 from each bag sold is donated to that chosen charity. If you would like to take a look at their website, here is the link: Now, ready for the awesome bags: 

Starting off with this simple, but fab red bag for AIDS/HIV awareness. 

This gorgeous handbag is of course for Breast Cancer awareness.

Alzheimer's Disease, $148.00 

Kidney Disease, $65.00.

Also a really sophisticated but simple design for Childhood Cancer

Depression and anxiety awareness

Colon Cancer

This one is for Diabetes awareness, so I would definitely benefit from this bag! 

Lung cancer

Yet another great bag for a great cause, Melanoma

Finally, this pretty satchel for Cancer awareness!

That was just a taster of Angela&Roi's amazeboz Donate by Color collection, and of course there is a whole range of other handbags out there. I would just like to say that I am really pleased as this is the first time on my blog a company has asked for me to feature them in a post, and I am glad that it was Angela&Roi as their new range is very inspiring! 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Monday, 14 October 2013


As most of you know, I suffer from a now, unfortunately,  common disease called Type 1 Diabetes. Just to clarify for those who don't already know, Type 1 is NOT the same as Type 2 diabetes! Unlike Type 2, I didn't develop the condition because of my lifestyle or diet, Type 1 is a autoimmune disease. You do not realise how annoying/frustrating it is to be asked by random people 'did you eat too much sugar?' (Seriously!) As a result of that, my family, and of course friends, and I want to do our best to raise awareness and hopefully a cure for Type 1. 
The 14th of November is World Diabetes Day, so what better way to raise some cash and awareness than going to school and work in your onesies! I received an email from JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) the other day, and it was all about their new project for this year's Diabetes Day, cleverly named #Typeonesie (Get it!).,1UFCM,1FXA8R,6LSRZ,1 Here is the link if you would like to get involved! Why not get sponsored for wearing a onesie to work? Or school? I'm still trying to persuade my Head of Year at school to let us do it, hopefully she will say yes *wink, wink*. If your teacher/boss says yes to the onesies, here is a guide to the best onesies to rock out on the 14th:  

If you have a onesie, you got to have a unicorn! ;) Boohoo, £25.00 

Or you could get your ozzy one? Boohoo, £20.00 

This one is totally awesome! Elephants are my favourite animal, thank you Boohoo for this amazeboz creation! £25.00 

Boohoo, £30.00

There are no words for this... Boohoo, £35.00

Moustache fever! New Look, £24.99 

I couldn't leave out the men! Here are the best onesies from Boohoo:


Roar! £30.00

Very wintery. £25.00 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Sunday, 6 October 2013

JDRF London Bridges Walk!

Last Sunday was a very busy day! I took part in the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) London Bridges Walk, which was a 11km walk around the bridges in London. My Dad, my brother and I walked with Jo (aka, Fashion Detective) and her husband and son. 
While we were walking my Mum and Nan were marshalls for the walk. 
If you would like to donate or have a look at my just giving page, here is the link: Lily and Sonny's Justgiving
(Btw, I just had to mention the awesome blog post that the lovely AKFB did yesterday! 
Thank you! If you would like to take a looksies, click away - Another Kinda Fashion Blog.)   

We walked past Cleopatra's Needle on the walk. 

It was a great chance to take photos of the views of London!

The walkers and the great view of Saint Paul's Cathedral.

Another awesome view of the new buildings being built at the moment in the centre of London. 

The gang all together! 

A midway rest...

I decided to take advantage of the free face paint and got myself a dragon!

While we were on The South Bank we passed an artist who had drawn this pic of Bender from Futurama in the sand. The people standing up above could try and throw money in his buckets below!

A long rest after the 4 hours it took us (yes, seriously!), with our medals.

My brother sported a snake.

A well deserved meal!

Love From The girl with the BC's x

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