Wednesday, 22 January 2014


It has finally arrived! The day before my birthday is here!! Am getting excited and ready for it :) I would tell you how old I am, but sadly that has to be a secret my friends! Can't wait to open my prezzies, but it was hard to pick as it has only just been Christmas. But anyway, this was just a quickie to update you guys and there will be a birthday post tomorrow! 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Quotes and Just General Awesomeness!

I felt like posting general quotes and things from books I liked or came across on the internet. Most are from my favourite author, John Green, and others are pictures and art from Tumblr. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! :)

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Miss Manga by L'oreal!

I came across this intriguing new brand by L'oreal yesterday on an advert while watching TV. As soon as I saw it I wanted it straight away! My friends and I have a great interest in manga, but imagine being able to make your eyes look like you are a manga character :D it apparently makes the top and bottom lashes bigger and bolder, then it creates the manga effect on your eyes!
1. Amplify upper lashes with 360 degree flexi brush in zigzag movements.
2. Reveal the lower lashes with the cone shaped brush.

If you want to see the awesomeness for yourself, check out the Miss Manga ad yourself :)

You can buy it from Superdrug and any great make-up store for an introductory price of £5.99.
They sell it in a range of different colours such as plain ole black, Pop Turquoise and Tropical Violet. Hopefully one day I will get down to them shops and get it! 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Monday, 13 January 2014

January Spree, New Year's Res And The Countdown To My Birthday!

To start off, Happy New Year again! So far the year hasn't been that eventful but I am hoping for a good one this year. I was wondering if any of you guys have got yourselves some New Year's Resolutions? Well I have, a few, one of them to be more healthier, but the all important one is of course, to blog more often! Now I can't promise anything, but my aim is to try and blog about every two to three days. I have noticed that recently I have been posting about two weeks in between the last one, which is bad I know :( I want to also start blogging about different subjects, just to jazz it up for 2014! But for now let's just say that I will probably never be able to blog as often and as awesomely as :


And many other amazing bloggers I know! 

This blog post is not just me making promises to you viewers, but on Sunday I went shopping with my Mum in Bromley. I didn't realise how awesome the sales are! They really do save you loads of money and the clothes aren't even bad! Here is the cool stuff I managed to grab on Sunday:

I just wanted this as soon as I saw it, to match my Wonder Woman Converse! 
Primark £6.00

As soon as I read AKFB's post a few months ago on chains and tags, I just wanted one. I finally managed to find a tag from H&M, sadly not in the sale :( but for £7.99.

Also found these! H&M, £9.95 £5.00 

Up close view of the galaxy.

Loving this Beatles top :) 
Primark £8.00 £3.00
(Best thing was that I didn't even know it was reduced until I got to the till!)

You can see I have a thing for those boys. 
Primark £8.00 £3.00

A close up of my tag, and my dress I got from New Look for £9.00 instead of £14.00. I really like the leather collar. It is a good effect with the block blue in the background. 

I wore this for when Johanna (Fashion Detective) and her family came round for dinner after our shopping!

Finally, (just so you know :P) it's my birthday in 10 days! Whoop whoop!! 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

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