Sunday, 30 June 2013

Summer Sales!

It's summer time (finally!!) and, of course, it's the summer sales and the new summer styles! In Britain the weather is always rubbish, rain and clouds, so whenever a little bit of sun comes out we Brits smother ourselves in sun cream and head down to the park. Hopefully the sun is here to stay as it never lasts. But enough of the moaning, and lets get on with the fashion! 

I always love a piece of clothing that involves anything superhero or comic! New Look was £9.99 now £5.00 

Awesomeness! This cool skater dress has a multicoloured graffiti spread all over it! You may recognise this from another blogger, AKFB, if you haven't then check out her post: She actually brought this dress. I'm well jel:) New Look was £16.99 now £8.00 

New Look was £44.99 now £22.50 

I don't know if you can see, but this printed crop tee is printed with swords, butterflies and hearts. New Look was £29.99 now £20.99

Now over to Forever 21! I really like the style where the back of the dress is longer than the front. Forever 21 was £22.75 now £16.99 

Moustache Fever! Forever 21 was £11.50 now £8.99 

This new shirt has a really cool effect on it, Forever 21 call it cloud wash. Was £16.75 now £11.99 

Tie dye jeans! Was £22.77 now £16.99 

Stripy shorts! They aren't in the sale but I like them £14.99 

Denim stars was £28.00 now £16.00 from Boohoo

Last but defo not least, these amazing aztec heeled boots!!! LOVE EM!! Boohoo was £55.00 now £30.00. 

Now all we need is for the sun to stay and we can all prance around the park in our new summer gear!

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Tuesday, 25 June 2013!

My friends and I, the perks of being amy and AKFB have recently found an awesome online shop called miss rebel, hence the pic! I decided I would do a blog post on it to show all you guys its awesomeness! 

This is probably the most AMAZING top I have ever seen!!! What an awesome top for just £6.99! You may see me in the future with this top. 

I quite like superheroes every now and then, especially when it's Superman and on a top! £4.99 

Light wash denim shirt, £21.99

Geek casual vest top, £6.99 

Stripy skull jumper, £7.99 

I am really liking this midi bodycon skirt, £8.99 

Superman again! Superman print leggings, £7.99 

Retro print midi dress, £12.99 

And finally, aztec print onesie, £14.99

If you liked this sneak peek into there amazing website, here it is: Also, here is a pic of my henna a friend at school did for me. Do you like? 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Sunday, 23 June 2013

AKFB's Party!

Oh, what a day! As some of you may know, today was the day of AKFB's birthday party (a fellow blogger and friend!). Here is the link: It was great seeing as it was a nice sunny day for the BBQ! Here is the day in pics: 

Me, AKFB and Amy from the perks of being amy: with our cocktail glasses!

Ooh, fancy! (Poundland!:P)

AKFB's party dress, AX Paris, £35.00

Amy's dress from H&M, Jacket from H&M and Vans from Schuh.

Amy's Vans!

Me! My leopard dress from H&M £14.99. I decided to wear my burgundy Converse instead of my Doctor Martens:) 

Amy's awesome parrot earrings.

AKFB's cool Converse.

My Tatty Devine necklace!

Party sunglasses!

Our friend Josephine's dress.

And her AMAZING Doctor Martens!!! 

Our friends dress. Karen Millen from House of Fraser.

AKFB's necklace I got her for her b day present! From Sour Cherry a company like Tatty Devine. 

The birthday cake from Thorntons. Yum! 
Day well spent! 
Love From The girl with the BC's x

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Louise Rennison, Barking Blondes and more!

My godmother happens to be Joanne Good, a radio presenter, television presenter, broadcast journalist and actor. She also knows Louise Rennison, the British author behind The Confessions Of Georgia Nicholson and The Misadventures of Tallulah Casey. So, when Jo met up with Louise, I got myself a copy of one of Louise's books from The Misadventures of Tallulah Casey series, and it isn't out yet in paperback! I can't wait to get stuck in, but when I am finished reading I will do a book review. Here is Louise Rennison's website:!/home-page/. But first, I am in the middle of Joannes autobiography, also written with her friend, Anna Webb.  They are dog mad and here is their book: 

I'm really enjoying it so far, and it is really entertaining and good fun! Here is there blog:
Now, tomorrow is AKFB's birthday party! I'm soo excited! I already showed you my dress, but here are the shoes I am wearing with it: 

Amazon, £52.00- £100.00 
I am going to wear my dress and shoes with black leggings! Ooh, I'm very excited! :) 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


I am very excited! On Sunday, I am going to a party with my fellow blogger friends, Amy, the creator of and CaroliNerd, But not just any party, AKFB's birthday party! Here is her blog link: It is a BBQ party, and for the special event, I decided to buy a dress for the occasion. Here it is: 

H&M, £14.99. 
I like the design, as it has a longer back than front, and a tiger print. I am going to wear it with black leggings and my black Doctor Martens. I will post about the party on the day! 
Love From The girl with the BC's x

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


So, on Sunday, my family and I went to Legoland for a quick day trip! We have been before, but it was good to visit the old place again. Here are some pics: 

On the train! 

Windsor castle, on our way to Legoland. 

Just arriving! 

A big Lego statue. 

In Legoland, they have a Star Wars exhibition, and here is C-3-PO! 


A Att att walker. 

My brother, LOL! 

And now, I think, is the awesomest part of Legoland... the Mini Land! It is a miniture Lego world, with different countries and landmarks! 

Tower Bridge in London! 

Recognise these? 

St Pauls Cathedral. 

A mini cinema!

Piccadilly Circus. 


Wembly Stadium.

Buckingham Palace!

The queens carriage. 

A huge castle in France. 

As, a souveneir, my lovely mum bought me two Lego keyrings at the Lego shop!

The Hulk.

The perfect pair! 

So, what a great day! If you want to get down to Legoland, then here is their website:
By the way, here is the link to my close friends blog, CaroliNerd: Please take a looksies at it! 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

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