Saturday, 1 February 2014

Birthday Dinner and Party!

This one is a long overdue blog post on my birthday dinner and party! After school I got changed (of course!) and went to a new tapas restaurant near where I live with my family. We had never been there before except for drinks but it was very tasty indeed! The Havana House is sadly not a chain, but if you ever feel like popping down to Crystal Palace, I recommend it! We had a range of Spanish foods and they were all very pleasing.

Evidence of how amazing the food was :)

My brother and stepdad.

Mother and daughter. 


Now you can experience me opening my presents (and my AWESOME Casio calculator I got! :P)

Oops, now you know how old I am!!! 

The outside of The Havana House. 

The view of London from the top of my hill.

My mum made my birthday cake for me this year, and it was FABULOUS!! Red velvet cake, vanilla buttercream, peanut M&M's on top and Cookie and Cream Kit Kat fingers around it! Sugar heaven :D

The lighting of the cake!

My outfit:
Dress- Primark (Xmas prezzie)
Bow tie- Topman (Bday prezzie)
Necklace- M&S
Shoes- Nike Air Max

Now for the amazeballs montage of my Birthday party and sleepover that was a few days later!

Tallulah's gorge outfit:
Shirt- H&M
Skirt- H&M
Shoes- Doctor Marten's 

Top- New Look
Skirt- Primark
Shoes- Nike Air Max
Necklace- River Island

Jumper- H&M
Leggings- H&M
Shoes- Primark

The amazing Amy baked me a cake as she is a great baker! It's cookie dough icing guys!!

The double buns are coming out! ( Amy and AKFB rocking out the same top!)

The onesies are out!

AKFB's OnePiece Onesie. As seen on her blog.

My moustache necklace was from AKFB and the other necklace from Caroline.

And the bracelet from Caroline.

Random Selfie :P

Love Frpm The girl with the BC's x


  1. Great post (admi it my outfit was the best!) Love, my necklace was from Avon not River island #BadJournalistAlert hehe lol! Like flower crowns? If so come on down to my blog:
    From another kinda fashion blogger x

    1. Ah, thanks hun! (LOL, defo!) Oops, sorry will change that. Haha.


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