Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Summer Running Shoes!

Woo, I think it's officially summer! It's very hot considering it's only the beginning of June and England. But to be honest English summers are pretty good, it's just the winters and autumns that let us down :( Being in school is hell though, as we have to wear stupid uniform in hot classrooms! But have no fear, the summer holidays are coming in 7 weeks :P (Not that I'm counting or anything...) 

So as it's just the right time of year and we want to get those beach bodies ready, Tallulah and I are going to start running/jogging once or twice a week :) We did our first one today, and I am proud to say that we were out for an hour. Although we did stop loads of times and we only lasted about 5 mins non stop! At the end of the year though we hope to be able to last for 20-40 mins without getting too out of breath. As it's summer and most good fashion is out during this time, and I am talking about running, her are my ten favourite summery/running shoes: 

To kick start the list, I have these awesome Air Maxes! 
Nike Air Max 1 Premium
Vans Authentic Shoes

Galaxy print will never go out of trend...
Chuck Taylor All Star Digital Edition

One day I will get my hands on a pair of these babies :) 
Jordan's 1 Mid
WAS £95.00 NOW £70.00 
Nike Air Max 1 Breathe

Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31
REALLY like these Air Maxes, and Jo Payton has already got her hands on these.
Nike Air Max 1 Liberty 

Old Skool Shoes

Love From The girl with the BC's x

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