Sunday, 11 May 2014

Crawley Haul!

It's about time I went shopping! I haven't been in ages. Haul posts are probably one of the best blog posts in general, don't you think? So yesterday morning I got up super early with my Stepmum and we drove down to Crawley (West Sussex) to the big shopping centre. Luckily it was raining so it didn't matter that we were inside all day :) I had loads of vouchers left over form my birthday and Christmas, so I used them (and I had some help from my Stepmums purse :P Thanks!) I had exactly £40 for New Look and £75 for H&M! I spent £50 in New Look and £40 in H&M, so I still have some left. Ahhh... It was great as now I have more clothe for Summer and for my holiday in Spain coming up...


Starting off from New Look I got this black cardigan. I needed one and it's perfect for the Summer in those cooler evenings! 

Also needed some light shorts for the pool days...

Shirt crop top. Wanted one for ages.
£12.99 £7.00

Another one, but denim! Even better :) 
£12.99 £4.00

What can I say? Love Coca Cola, love crop tops. Very summery I think.


Flower power. 

I was so happy when I found this! AKFB put this skirt in one of her blog posts and I wanted it straight away but I couldn't find it any H&M store. . Flower Power #2. 

I wanted this crop top ever since Amy got it, and I finally plucked up the courage to get it and actually wear it. 


Everyone needs some leggings...
My Stepmum bought me this really nice bikini from Next :) Can't wait to go swimming! 
Top- £16
Bottoms- £12
Last but not least, are these babies from Primark! Loving the daisy print, and now I have it on sunglasses :) 
Phew! That was a lot of clothes! 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

P.S Expect a outfit post soon :) 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I love the selfie tee! I was gonna buy that flower power tee but then I saw my daisy print leggings and was like, sorry tee! Great post :)
    Check out my haul:
    Chloe x x


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