Sunday, 15 September 2013

Boo to a Goose (And Awesome Music!)

I think I have finally discovered a love for vintage I never knew I had! Last Saturday I joined Fashion Detective ( at the amazing Lady Boo's house for a vintage spree. Lady Boo, as she likes to be known, runs the fab company Boo to a Goose. Boo sells vintage clothing, accessories and crockery and runs private sessions as a stylist to help you choose what to wear. Fashion Detective first met her while at the Crystal Palace Festival as Boo had a stall there and she said she was having an open day at her house to look around. Fashion Detective kindly brought me and my mum along and it was AWESOME! If you would like to check out Boo to a Goose, here is her Facebook page:  Sadly I couldn't buy anything as the dresses I loved were too small :( but we were allowed to take pics of ourselves with the awesome vintageness on! (By the way, don't you love Boo's very own cushion!)

As well as letting us try on clothes in her house, Boo even made delicious cakes! They look even better  on the vintage table.

A rail of vintage goodness =D

Even more!

It's not just the clothes that are vintage, Lady Boo's house is kitted out in the best vintage way. I especially like this  sign she found at a car boot sale. (If you live in or know the area, Crystal Palace in London, the effect of the toy dinosaurs on the sign is really cool & topical ;))

I took advantage of being able to try on clothes and couldn't resist this metallic pink wonder. I think it goes well with the clash effect of my pink Doctor Martens, more on them later, but it was too small. 

My favourite, this gorgeous sky blue dress, also too small. Grr, don't you hate when that happens?

Vintage accessories.

Not only is Lady Boo's house chock a block with vintage awesomeness, she has a great view of London... 

My fizzy water served in a teacup.

Vintage cocktail glasses.

But the great day didn't end there. After finding out how much I really like vintage, we spent the evening in a pub in Clapham for my dad's gig, The Lola Jones, who I did a post on before. It was a amazeboz night and not only did I find out I like vintage, I also found out that I like to dance to good music in pubs!

Random llama outside as there was a petting zoo!

Hanging out with the kids.

It isn't that easy to see but my dad's top says, No More Page Three, referring  to The Sun newspaper. An example of how fashion can be good for society!

My outfit:
Top- Primark, £3.00
Skater skirt- New Look, £14.99 £7.00
Jacket- Topshop, £45.00
Shoes- Doctor Martens@ Selfridges
Necklace- Tatty Devine, £42.00

You are probably wondering why I haven't mentioned my DM's before, but here they are! Awesome, right?

Just checking the internet on my trusty kindle!

I wasn't the only one dancing, and the ladies were definitely rocking out the dance floor :)

Frankie, the next pop star!

London at night...

Love From The girl with the BC's x


  1. Ooooh! Very nice! Can't wait for the NEW post today! Don't break the promise!! Like tassel shorts? Then come check out my blog
    From Another kinda fashion blogger x

    1. I know! Thanks =) But I can't post, too busy!
      Love From The girl with the BC's x


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