Monday, 1 July 2013

New Blog, France and Book Day!

This is a short post just to say that one of my friends has just created a new blog called My Embarrassing Life, all about my friend's mishaps in life! She just started today but it is really good. Please take a looksies at: There are also two things I am really looking forward to which are happening quite soon. One of them is: this Friday my school are having a book day sort of thing, as we didn't have one on the actual book day and our school is going to France in two weeks! :) I'm having trouble thinking of characters to come as, so if you have any ideas then either leave a comment or email me (my email address is on the side!). So please keep a look out in the very near future when I do my posts on these exciting events! 

Love From The girl with the BC's x


  1. I will! I cant wait to go to France to! I'm am plannnig my outfits now! Like fashion? Them come on down to my blog :)
    From Anohter kinda fashion blogger x

  2. Thanks for commenting! :) I'm planning my outfits too! Oooh, can't wait
    Love From The girl with the BC'S x

  3. Ohhhhh, you should go as Alaska lol!


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