Monday, 14 October 2013


As most of you know, I suffer from a now, unfortunately,  common disease called Type 1 Diabetes. Just to clarify for those who don't already know, Type 1 is NOT the same as Type 2 diabetes! Unlike Type 2, I didn't develop the condition because of my lifestyle or diet, Type 1 is a autoimmune disease. You do not realise how annoying/frustrating it is to be asked by random people 'did you eat too much sugar?' (Seriously!) As a result of that, my family, and of course friends, and I want to do our best to raise awareness and hopefully a cure for Type 1. 
The 14th of November is World Diabetes Day, so what better way to raise some cash and awareness than going to school and work in your onesies! I received an email from JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) the other day, and it was all about their new project for this year's Diabetes Day, cleverly named #Typeonesie (Get it!).,1UFCM,1FXA8R,6LSRZ,1 Here is the link if you would like to get involved! Why not get sponsored for wearing a onesie to work? Or school? I'm still trying to persuade my Head of Year at school to let us do it, hopefully she will say yes *wink, wink*. If your teacher/boss says yes to the onesies, here is a guide to the best onesies to rock out on the 14th:  

If you have a onesie, you got to have a unicorn! ;) Boohoo, £25.00 

Or you could get your ozzy one? Boohoo, £20.00 

This one is totally awesome! Elephants are my favourite animal, thank you Boohoo for this amazeboz creation! £25.00 

Boohoo, £30.00

There are no words for this... Boohoo, £35.00

Moustache fever! New Look, £24.99 

I couldn't leave out the men! Here are the best onesies from Boohoo:


Roar! £30.00

Very wintery. £25.00 

Love From The girl with the BC's x


  1. What onesie are you going to be wearing?!

    1. Ooh, that's a hard decision, but I do like the Minnie Mouse one!

  2. OMG! If Our teacher doesn't allow us to strut our onesie stuff then I'm leaving! Like Tassel shorts? Then come on down to my blog:
    From Another kinda fashion blogger x

  3. I might be doing Type Onesie too! I'd love it if you could check out and follow my blog! (: I will follow yours too :)

    1. I really hope my school lets us do Typeonesie too! I now follow your blog


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