Sunday, 6 October 2013

JDRF London Bridges Walk!

Last Sunday was a very busy day! I took part in the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) London Bridges Walk, which was a 11km walk around the bridges in London. My Dad, my brother and I walked with Jo (aka, Fashion Detective) and her husband and son. 
While we were walking my Mum and Nan were marshalls for the walk. 
If you would like to donate or have a look at my just giving page, here is the link: Lily and Sonny's Justgiving
(Btw, I just had to mention the awesome blog post that the lovely AKFB did yesterday! 
Thank you! If you would like to take a looksies, click away - Another Kinda Fashion Blog.)   

We walked past Cleopatra's Needle on the walk. 

It was a great chance to take photos of the views of London!

The walkers and the great view of Saint Paul's Cathedral.

Another awesome view of the new buildings being built at the moment in the centre of London. 

The gang all together! 

A midway rest...

I decided to take advantage of the free face paint and got myself a dragon!

While we were on The South Bank we passed an artist who had drawn this pic of Bender from Futurama in the sand. The people standing up above could try and throw money in his buckets below!

A long rest after the 4 hours it took us (yes, seriously!), with our medals.

My brother sported a snake.

A well deserved meal!

Love From The girl with the BC's x


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, it was great!
      Love From The girl with the BC's x

  2. Hey OMG that is so crazy! The photo you posted of the 'midway walk' I LITERALLY walked right past you guys when you were taking that photo. I did the walk toooo! Do you have Twitter btw? follow me mine is @asfghdellie - I have a blog about my life with T1 too.

    1. Hey! No way, that is really weird! It was a great walk, wasn't it? Oh I'm sorry, I haven't managed to get Twitter yet :( But I have checked out your blog and now follow you on GFC! Your blog is great btw xx


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