Sunday, 18 May 2014

Birthday, TOTW No.11 and Goodbyes!

Happy 1st Birthday blog! It's finally been one whole year since I started this blog and I did my first blog post on the JDRF Swish. It feels like ages ago that I started, and not just a year ago. I'm so glad that people actually read this and that my family have been supportive of me writing it. And of course thank you viewers for just viewing this!  

Ahh, memories...

You can't forget the burgundy Converse, the whole theme of my blog :D 
Enough of that, now we have TOTW. This is genuinely amazing (in my opinion) and I'm so happy that i found it on Youtube. It's just so meaningful and awesome. 
Twenty One Pilots with Car Radio.

 I hope you agree with me when I say it is just, great. 
Finally, goodbyes! I'm going away tomorrow for a week (yay, missing a week of school!) on a school trip to the Lake District. It is a residential that a small group of my year are going to, with things such as rock climbing, camping, canoeing and kayaking to do. Really excited, but a little nervous as well as I haven't done some of these before such as camping and canoeing. So I won't be able to post :( but there will be loads of pics out of it! 


Love From The girl with the BC's x

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