Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas!

Above outfit:
Xmas Jumper- Primark
Leggings- H&M
Shoes- Doctor Marten's 
Bag- Kipling
Jacket- Topshop
Shock horror! Two posts in one day :P The first post I wrote as a guest post for the fabby Another Kinda Fashion Blog, all about those last minute Xmas buys! Above is my outfit that I wore yesterday on my day out to the Southbank/Covent Garden with my Godmother.
Even though there were red alert winds and pouring rain, we still found a way to enjoy ourselves in the London atmosphere!

The delicious blueberry muffin we indulged in at the BFI Southbank Centre. 

Joanne and Sonny in the National Theatre where they went to see the new production of The Elephantom, a new children's production about, you guessed it, a phantom elephant!

Outside The Shed, the temporary stage area while one of the main stages is getting rebuilt.

Urban Culture.

Christmas market.

Very festive! Christmas Churros :D

Excitement as we found a jolly sandwich from EAT, full of turkey and cranberry sauce goodness!

The Festival Hall (Southbank)

Miserable British weather, but still the festivities carry on.

We popped into Foyles (who wouldn't?!) and I just had to take a photo of this awesomeness!! The amazing author, John Green, also a Vlogger with his equally as awesome brother, Hank Green (Vlogbrothers) had some books in Foyles and the shop had put up labels of wisdom created by the author :) I have just finished reading Green's latest book, The Fault in our Stars, and what can i say? I cried about ten times! 

We fitted a quick trip to the London Aquarium in our busy schedule!

Very Christmassy! Even the penguins are getting ready for Christmas.

It's the Holidays, don't judge! : / Pulled pork hot dog and chips are just what I wanted.

The huge tree in Trafalgar Square from Norway was tipping over in the Red Alert winds! OMG!!!

Covent Garden tree.

Lego Christmas London!

We made time to look at the Doctor Marten shop!

They are even starting to do high heels :D very classy!

The icing on the cake was to get my Xmas prezzie from Joanne (Jack Wills! Ooh er!) 
Can't wait to open it tomorrow! Look out for a post.

Love From The girl with the BC's x


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