Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!

It's here! The countdown has begun (precisely 39 minutes!) and I am ready! 2013 has been a great year and I will miss it, but I am excited for 2014. It has come so quickly and unexpectedly, but I am grateful for everything. I have had this blog since May and I am really happy and grateful for all the viewers and people that have noticed it, I never expected it to even be OK! 
Finally thank you to my family and friends for making this year fabby and for being there! There have been ups and downs but 2013 was still great :)
2014 here we come!! 

2013 has been vert eventful and jam packed full of fashion moments, Macmillan, Tunisia, London, shopping, sisters, snow and Doctor Marten's but I hope you all have a grand night and:

Love From The Girl with the BC's x

1 comment:

  1. I am not that religious, but I am interested and open to any opinion on any aspect of life or religion.
    Thanks, I will follow as soon as


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