Sunday, 19 May 2013

Eurovision Song Contest!

So, yesterday BBC 1 hosted the Eurovision Song Contest 2013! As my third blog post, I decided I would write about the best and worst outfits of the event. To start of, lets have the best outfits!:


 Here we have Denmark's contestant, Emmelie De Forest, who (SPOILER ALERT!) won the competition last night! If you haven't seen her performance yet, then here is the link: Emmelie's dress is lovely, and the style reminds me of a goddess. I also really like the gold bands around her wrist and arm! Congratulations Denmark! 

Wow! Here we have Aliona Moon, Mordova's singer. I liked the sparkles on the front of the dress until I realised that it might just be the lights reflecting of the dress! (LOL!) The way the dress comes out at the bottom, I really like as it is quite traditional. 

Even though it may be plain, I really like the style of the dress, it is tight but then comes out at the bottom, fishtail I think you call it. It is just right for the event! This is Zlata Ognevich representing Ukraine.

I know what your thinking, why, just why? But I just like it because its rockin'! I just hate the shoes though! Why Ana Matronic from Finland? 

Finally, its The Netherlands with Anouk. Whats she is wearing is casual, but stylish. You can't see her shoes in this (soz!) but they are black biker boots! 


Do I have to say anything?! You disappoint me Cezar from Romania! 

Here we have Nodi and Sophie from Georgia. What is up with that dress Sophie? A bit too old fashioned! 

I don't like this at all! The worst part is the part of the dress at the back, and it doesn't really fit, Cascada from Germany! 

The worst part of this horror is the spangles! A no-no, Amandine Bourgeois from France! 

No no no no no no! Why!!! What is this horror? I can't look anymore... 

This is a pink massacre! The presenter, Petra Mede really needs some style advice! At least she was a good presenter... 

Thats it for today, 
Love from The girl with the BC's x 
Ps All photos from Google Images

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