Monday, 13 January 2014

January Spree, New Year's Res And The Countdown To My Birthday!

To start off, Happy New Year again! So far the year hasn't been that eventful but I am hoping for a good one this year. I was wondering if any of you guys have got yourselves some New Year's Resolutions? Well I have, a few, one of them to be more healthier, but the all important one is of course, to blog more often! Now I can't promise anything, but my aim is to try and blog about every two to three days. I have noticed that recently I have been posting about two weeks in between the last one, which is bad I know :( I want to also start blogging about different subjects, just to jazz it up for 2014! But for now let's just say that I will probably never be able to blog as often and as awesomely as :


And many other amazing bloggers I know! 

This blog post is not just me making promises to you viewers, but on Sunday I went shopping with my Mum in Bromley. I didn't realise how awesome the sales are! They really do save you loads of money and the clothes aren't even bad! Here is the cool stuff I managed to grab on Sunday:

I just wanted this as soon as I saw it, to match my Wonder Woman Converse! 
Primark £6.00

As soon as I read AKFB's post a few months ago on chains and tags, I just wanted one. I finally managed to find a tag from H&M, sadly not in the sale :( but for £7.99.

Also found these! H&M, £9.95 £5.00 

Up close view of the galaxy.

Loving this Beatles top :) 
Primark £8.00 £3.00
(Best thing was that I didn't even know it was reduced until I got to the till!)

You can see I have a thing for those boys. 
Primark £8.00 £3.00

A close up of my tag, and my dress I got from New Look for £9.00 instead of £14.00. I really like the leather collar. It is a good effect with the block blue in the background. 

I wore this for when Johanna (Fashion Detective) and her family came round for dinner after our shopping!

Finally, (just so you know :P) it's my birthday in 10 days! Whoop whoop!! 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

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