Tuesday, 24 June 2014

The Loom Craze!

Oh no, please forgive me! This is so bad! I haven't blogged in about two weeks :( lots has been happening and life is just so tiring... 
For now I have my loom band post. But some time this week I will have a big one catching up and posting all the things I said I would post about! So sorry... 
As most if you probably know, these bands have been a craze for a while now, but it's only in the past week that I have seen loads of people wearing them, or making. They are awesome little elastic bands in different colours that you thread to make a piece if jewellery. I personally can't make them, but I have my ways to get them... :P you can get them online or in any good corner shop :) here is my collection so far... 

Love Fro The girl with the BC's x

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