Saturday, 7 June 2014

Bad Neighbours!

So, as I mentioned in my previous post, I went to the cinema with my parents on Thursday night. It was the first time I had been in ages, and whenever I go I always remember how good films are and how I should try and go to the cinema more often. It was also great to get away from revision after the endless week of exams :/ My mum and I had been very keen to see it as we both have a thing for Zac Efron (haha) and it just seemed like a really funny film. 
LOL! Funny selfies :P 
Bad Neighbours is a comedy about a couple that have recently had a baby girl. They move into a house and have trouble coming to terms with the fact that their life 'is over' as they are the first couple out of all of their friends to have had a child. A few weeks later a fraternity (a group of young adults in uni) move in next door and a whole load of trouble occurs! Very funny and I enjoyed it a lot. It wasn't amazing or anything, but it's a laugh and would be great fun if you went with your mates :) 
NOTE: Just be warned that it is a 15 rated certificate so not for the youngsters. A lot of swearing and drugs. 

Ahh, Zac and Dave together...

Overall I give it a 8 out of 10 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

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