Monday, 22 July 2013

Go Local Olympic Park (McFly, The Feeling And Much More!)

Schools out for summer! Yay! Finally six weeks of sun, shopping trips and lie ins! :P And what a way to celebrate the end of the school year by going to the new Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford to watch McFly, The Feeling, Eddie Izzard and more and soaking up the warm summer atmosphere! Yes, after school I dashed home for a quick change of clothing, (I wasn't gonna let McFly see me in my school uniform!) I wore my aztec bodycon dress I brought whilst on my trip to France. Just right for the summer I think! So, this whole event was super cheap, £7.50 a ticket :O because it was made to persuade members of the public to become a volunteer for things like the olympics, concerts and festivals. Previous games makers were invited and supposed to take their friends and family along, but we still enjoyed it even though none of us were games makers. Sadly, that was the only day of that awesome event, but if you would like to take a look at some more olympic park events, here is the link:

 I loved these awesome balloon things hanging up in the entrance, and there is ferris wheel in the background.

The day was complete when we got our free hand pointers! I have always wanted those things! There is the dress I was talking about at the beginning.

More of those balloons! Oh, and the famous orbit in the background.

A lovely view of the river and the Pringle!

There it is again.

The stage where all the acts performed, and the big crowds!

Amazeboz ride! Sadly I didn't get a chance to go on it :(

The stage again.

Those burgundy Converse follow me everywhere!

There was an area where you could go and play a bit of free tennis.

Everyone is up and jumping! :)

The band The Feeling are on and the singer Dan Gillespie is on the big screen!

There he is again singing on stage with the bass players wife, Sophie Ellis Bextor also a famous singer.

LOL! My brother rocking to the music!

Enjoying a 99 Flake in the hot evening.

Me, also having a very nice ice lolly thing!

Even the crowds get to enjoy the spotlight for a bit on the big screen up at the front. 

Those foam hands turned out to be very useful! Go frog, go! :P

Next up was The Greatest Hits Of The West End. These were a group of men and women who sang favourites of different musicals, like Footloose, We Will Rock You, Grease and more! They were really good, and everyone was up and singing along.

There they are again, dancing along!

You will never guess what, but Boris Johnson made a quick appearance to talk about the importance of   being a volunteer for different jobs and events!  

There is Boris again, up on stage with Anika Rice and Tess Daley, (I actually quite like Tess's dress, its the white one with orange lace) who co presented the show. 

You will probably recognise this girl if you watch Britain's Got Talent. Its Gabz, the young girl who can sing and play the piano. She came on and did a good performance.

Here we have a group of ladies called the Bond Quartet. They di a few pieces of music accompanied by their violins. Even though they have Bond in their name, they didn't play any Bond songs :( 

On the big screen here is Eddie Izzard, the british comedian. He did a quick act. The crowd were, by then, just waiting for McFly to come on and play (I was one of them!)

Then we had to get up and the presenter had a little dance routine for us. Yet again those foam hands came in use! So, mum, my brother and me joined in.

On the screens behind the stage, they had put up little stick men who we had to follow to do our routine!

Finally McFly came on! The only reason why I came, of course! :P Dougie, Harry, Tom and Danny were awesome!

Theres Tom, rocking the stage!

I like at the end the big signs announcing McFly are on the stage!

At the end there was a epic finale of fireworks, but I didn't get a pic on time so thats why there is just smoke!

A beautiful sunset as we leave the park. 

The orbit and the stadium just there in the middle of the crowds. 

Fortunatly, we were right next door to Westfield, (best place ever, will probably have to make a trip down there during the summer!) so for dinner we went to T.G.I Fridays! Burgers and chips... mmm!

They were very nice in the resturant and made my brother a balloon hat. We all thought it looked a bit like the orbit? 

On the way back we had to take a picture of this awesome map of the tube made of Lego! Must of taken a while. 

A close up!

Love From The girl with the BC's x


  1. OMG THAT LOOKS AMAZING! I wish I was there (ermagewd Tom ;) )
    Love Always,

    1. Lol, yeah it was pretty amazing! :)
      Love From The girl with the BC's x


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