Saturday, 6 July 2013

Book Day!

I know, I know, naughty me, I didn't post when I said I would but I have just been very busy! But anyway, lets get on with the awesome costumes of Friday. As you probably know, my school had a delay in us having book day because of construction work, but luckily, we had it yesterday. Here are the costumes! (Please take a looksies at AKFB's fab blog post on the same event:

Here we have Tallulah as Coraline. No, wait it is Coraline! :P

Tigger has come out to play! Am loving this cute tiger onesie. Get ready to bounce!

Here we have Caroli-Nerd rocking this Harry Potter outfit! If you would like to take a look at more of Caroli-Nerd's awesomeness, then here is her blog: Looking like a true Gryffindor Caroli-Nerd!

Amy is dressed here as Alaska from Looking For Alaska by John Green (by the way, a REALLY good book and author). I really like her top and shorts. If you want to know where Amy got them from, here is her blog:

Black converse, black leggins, black tutu, it must mean one thing, the Black Swan has arrived! AKFB is rocking in black!

Pretty in pink! The fairy has arrived...

I LOVE Deandra's costume!!! Geek chic coming through! I like how she has geeky glasses, a tie and you can't see, but she also used eyeliner to create the freckle effect! Go geeks!!

LOL! My amazeboz teacher dressed as Cruella Deville from 101 Dalmatians.

Hmm, I think I recognise  this girl from somewhere... Its me, dressed as a Greek goddess, as I said I would in my last post!

Cute and simple!

Kadisha is looking cool in her outfit (I don't know what she is dressed up as!)

Geek number 2! Onesie + Geek= awesome! This geek is ready for a sleepover I think!

Geek Power! :)

Aww, group pic! 

What a great day! I wonder what I'm going to come as next year... 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

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