Friday, 7 June 2013

1000 Views! (and a bit of fashion!)

           Wow! Thanks guys, I have finally reached a thousand views! I never thought a small blog made only a month ago would be viewed by 1000 people. Firstly, I would like to shout out a big thank you to my awesome viewers from the following countries (taken from the stats in Blogger) the UK, France, USA, Russia, Turkey, Ireland, Thailand, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Venezuela, China, Japan, Germany, Netherlands, Ukraine, New Zealand and last but not least, Austraila! You guys have been very supportive and I really appreciate it! Secondly, thank you to my friends and family who have been looking at my blog and spreading the link on facebook!

 Finally, thanks to my close friends who put the link to my blog on their blogs, so please take a looksies at these awesome blogs: home of Another kinda fashion blogger,  and finally, These guys have been really great and supporting my blog and spreading the link. Overall, I just wanna thank all you amazeboz fashionistas and viewers for reading about my blog!  Hopefully, you will carry on reading it!

Now, lets get on to the main point of this blog, FASHION!!! Here are some of my  fashion finds:
I love this starry dress, from Topshop, £29.00

The egyptan writing really adds a cool effect. Topshop, £34.00

Boohoo, £12.00

I love the sripes, Boohoo, £15.00

Simple, but cute! New Look, £14.99
And finally, this awesome onesie with a cute glasses print! New Look, £17.99,  £12.99.

Love From The girl with the BC's (who is very happy!) xxx

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