Tuesday, 18 June 2013


So, on Sunday, my family and I went to Legoland for a quick day trip! We have been before, but it was good to visit the old place again. Here are some pics: 

On the train! 

Windsor castle, on our way to Legoland. 

Just arriving! 

A big Lego statue. 

In Legoland, they have a Star Wars exhibition, and here is C-3-PO! 


A Att att walker. 

My brother, LOL! 

And now, I think, is the awesomest part of Legoland... the Mini Land! It is a miniture Lego world, with different countries and landmarks! 

Tower Bridge in London! 

Recognise these? 

St Pauls Cathedral. 

A mini cinema!

Piccadilly Circus. 


Wembly Stadium.

Buckingham Palace!

The queens carriage. 

A huge castle in France. 

As, a souveneir, my lovely mum bought me two Lego keyrings at the Lego shop!

The Hulk.

The perfect pair! 

So, what a great day! If you want to get down to Legoland, then here is their website: http://www.legoland.co.uk/
By the way, here is the link to my close friends blog, CaroliNerd: http://carolinerd-turnthepage.blogspot.co.uk/. Please take a looksies at it! 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

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