Sunday, 30 June 2013

Summer Sales!

It's summer time (finally!!) and, of course, it's the summer sales and the new summer styles! In Britain the weather is always rubbish, rain and clouds, so whenever a little bit of sun comes out we Brits smother ourselves in sun cream and head down to the park. Hopefully the sun is here to stay as it never lasts. But enough of the moaning, and lets get on with the fashion! 

I always love a piece of clothing that involves anything superhero or comic! New Look was £9.99 now £5.00 

Awesomeness! This cool skater dress has a multicoloured graffiti spread all over it! You may recognise this from another blogger, AKFB, if you haven't then check out her post: She actually brought this dress. I'm well jel:) New Look was £16.99 now £8.00 

New Look was £44.99 now £22.50 

I don't know if you can see, but this printed crop tee is printed with swords, butterflies and hearts. New Look was £29.99 now £20.99

Now over to Forever 21! I really like the style where the back of the dress is longer than the front. Forever 21 was £22.75 now £16.99 

Moustache Fever! Forever 21 was £11.50 now £8.99 

This new shirt has a really cool effect on it, Forever 21 call it cloud wash. Was £16.75 now £11.99 

Tie dye jeans! Was £22.77 now £16.99 

Stripy shorts! They aren't in the sale but I like them £14.99 

Denim stars was £28.00 now £16.00 from Boohoo

Last but defo not least, these amazing aztec heeled boots!!! LOVE EM!! Boohoo was £55.00 now £30.00. 

Now all we need is for the sun to stay and we can all prance around the park in our new summer gear!

Love From The girl with the BC's x

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