Tuesday, 24 June 2014

The Loom Craze!

Oh no, please forgive me! This is so bad! I haven't blogged in about two weeks :( lots has been happening and life is just so tiring... 
For now I have my loom band post. But some time this week I will have a big one catching up and posting all the things I said I would post about! So sorry... 
As most if you probably know, these bands have been a craze for a while now, but it's only in the past week that I have seen loads of people wearing them, or making. They are awesome little elastic bands in different colours that you thread to make a piece if jewellery. I personally can't make them, but I have my ways to get them... :P you can get them online or in any good corner shop :) here is my collection so far... 

Love Fro The girl with the BC's x

Sunday, 15 June 2014

TOTW No.13!

Still want to post about the Lake District trip I went on (feels like yonks ago!) and a shopping trip I went on about two weeks ago, so bear with, and I will have those soon. For now though, here is your TOTW. This week we have Travie McCoy and Brendon Urie (singer of Panic! At The Disco): 
Keep On Keeping On

Travis Lazarus "Travie" McCoy is an American singer and rapper. He is the lead vocalist of the rap rock band Gym Class Heroes, in addition to having a solo career. McCoy became involved with punk rock scenes as a teenager.
Brendon Boyd Urie is an American singer-songwriter, musician, guitarist, and pianist, best known as the lead vocalist of Panic! at the Disco. He also plays drums, bass guitar, accordion, organ, cello, violin, and trumpet.

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Summer Running Shoes!

Woo, I think it's officially summer! It's very hot considering it's only the beginning of June and England. But to be honest English summers are pretty good, it's just the winters and autumns that let us down :( Being in school is hell though, as we have to wear stupid uniform in hot classrooms! But have no fear, the summer holidays are coming in 7 weeks :P (Not that I'm counting or anything...) 

So as it's just the right time of year and we want to get those beach bodies ready, Tallulah and I are going to start running/jogging once or twice a week :) We did our first one today, and I am proud to say that we were out for an hour. Although we did stop loads of times and we only lasted about 5 mins non stop! At the end of the year though we hope to be able to last for 20-40 mins without getting too out of breath. As it's summer and most good fashion is out during this time, and I am talking about running, her are my ten favourite summery/running shoes: 

To kick start the list, I have these awesome Air Maxes! 
Nike Air Max 1 Premium
Vans Authentic Shoes

Galaxy print will never go out of trend...
Chuck Taylor All Star Digital Edition

One day I will get my hands on a pair of these babies :) 
Jordan's 1 Mid
WAS £95.00 NOW £70.00 
Nike Air Max 1 Breathe

Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31
REALLY like these Air Maxes, and Jo Payton has already got her hands on these.
Nike Air Max 1 Liberty 

Old Skool Shoes

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Bad Neighbours!

So, as I mentioned in my previous post, I went to the cinema with my parents on Thursday night. It was the first time I had been in ages, and whenever I go I always remember how good films are and how I should try and go to the cinema more often. It was also great to get away from revision after the endless week of exams :/ My mum and I had been very keen to see it as we both have a thing for Zac Efron (haha) and it just seemed like a really funny film. 
LOL! Funny selfies :P 
Bad Neighbours is a comedy about a couple that have recently had a baby girl. They move into a house and have trouble coming to terms with the fact that their life 'is over' as they are the first couple out of all of their friends to have had a child. A few weeks later a fraternity (a group of young adults in uni) move in next door and a whole load of trouble occurs! Very funny and I enjoyed it a lot. It wasn't amazing or anything, but it's a laugh and would be great fun if you went with your mates :) 
NOTE: Just be warned that it is a 15 rated certificate so not for the youngsters. A lot of swearing and drugs. 

Ahh, Zac and Dave together...

Overall I give it a 8 out of 10 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

TOTW No.12!

Oh the joys of exam week... Anyway, I know I haven't done a TOTW in a while, but to be honest I think this song can make up for it! Another one from Twenty One Pilots, but I think they are my favourite artists right now. I'm so glad that I found them! 

It's Migraine :D 

Happy listening! 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

P.S I'm going to the cinema in the evening tomorrow to see Bad Neighbours, wanted to see it in ages! Expect a review guys :) 

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Sunny Days Out!

Yes, I know, I need a good telling off! I haven't blogged in agessss :( But I was on my trip to the Lake District (there will be a post all about that soon) and then it was half term and I have been having exams all this week. The struggle is real guys! 
First things first, you may be wondering about the background. I decided I needed a fresh look and the whole hearts thing was getting a bit boring, so I changed it to cute cats sitting in Converse :D Much cooler. Another thing is a blog that I have started (yes, another one!) Tallulah, who I have mentioned before, has started a joint blog with me. I will still be blogging on this one like normal, but the other one is just one for fun. Here's the link: Two Blondes VS The World. Hopefully it will turn out as successful as this one. 
Anyway, I finally managed to get round to doing an outfit post. My first one guys :) A couple days ago Tallulah and I went to the park and I got her to take some photos of me. 

I like this one...


Wonder Woman socks :P 

My Outfit:
Dress- Hand me down from the lovely Jo (originally from Topshop)
Cardigan- Primark
Socks- Primark
Shoes- Nike
Sunglasses- Primark

Love From The girl with the BC's x

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