Friday, 26 July 2013

Isle of Wight, Shopping and Amazon!

  So, today my family and I arrived to the Isle of Wight! We are staying for a week in my godmother's house (have I mentioned before my godmother is amazing!?) in West Cowes, and hopefully the week will still stay as great as it has been for the last month or so. And luckily, we have the laptop so I will be able to post directly from the Isle of Wight! :D Yay! As any fashionista should know, before you go on holiday you should go shopping! And of course, thats what I did yesterday! Here they all are, perfect for the summer I think!:

Yes, if you have ever been on Another kinda fashion blog, you will probably recognise this denim shirt and the leggings below. I was browsing Amazon with my vouchers and I just loved AKFB and my good friends, style from her blog! I am very sorry viewers, (and AKFB!) but I just had to buy this! But please take a looksies at her awesom blog!  Amazon, £11.99

Another fashion item from the amazeboz AKFB. Moustache fever all the way! :) Amazon, £3.90 (cheap, I know!)

I got this awesome two fingered ring from Claire's Accessories! KAPOW! £5.00

My lovely nan bought this really nice crop jumper from Primark!

Second hand clothing is sometimes the best. One of my mums friends gave away this pretty dress, and I couldn't resist! I always love an alice collar :)

Lastly, these red pumps from my nan again! Just right for the summer. 

Now all I need to do now is add to my wardrobe with some awesome fashion from the Isle of Wight! 

Love From The girl with the BC's x

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